February 17, 2011

The big takeover by the Roman cult of crucifixion


May "The Lord" bless you with all the good things of "His understanding heart" that you are wishing for.
May he assure you of his love and may he carry on leading your soul and life in this spectacular manner.
I appreciate your personality with all its characteristics and the entirety of your works very very much.
You're like a really, really good drug, sir: totally thrilling, absolutely fascinating, and not free of undesirable side effects. I mean, you are such a trooper! If you only wouldn't preach like a son of a police chief ...
In this respect it's almost a selfish thing wishing you health and strength, mentally as well as bodily, which, nevertheless, I do. And I also hope for your happiness in privacy with your family and friends ...
"I'm gay. That's right. Brother Eric Jon Phelps is gaaayyyaey! I try to be. If I'm not happy and gay every day, my wife is gonna tell me all about: what's wrong with you?" No, I don't pray for it, I simply do wish you all the best, especially a growing number of interested listeners and attentive readers. That probably first and foremost, because I think, you deserve a lot more kudos for your outstanding bravery and your – yes! – adequate passionate, exemplary relentlessness in prosecuting the Jesuit Order at the top of the global Catholic Columbian Colossus.

But you always overlook something tremendously important, a very central "particular topic".
Let's see if I'm able to present it to you as some sort of birthday gift, as which it is honestly meant in the first place, although, you know, it is, of course, at the same time, the main reason why I keep myself apart from you.
Like you, I prefer public correspondences and I'm deeply thankful for this already today considerable amount of published emails of yours. In case you can't understand my idea, in case you miss the point I wanna make here now, please don't worry, more open letters will follow, this is just the beginning of a series in which I'll try to precise my own position compared to yours. It's also part of what I call "mapping out pieties" (in a concededly roughly way because it's just a new approach compared to conspiracism).

First I wanted to say: very good decision, Eric, Mr. Phelps, and very good executed, Nicklas, Greg and Tom. Actually, these are terrific news! Tom Freiss and then Greg impressed me the most.
I do agree with Nick's opinion that Tom shines when he has to articulate spontaneously.
And Will, I couldn't hear someone using a knife stabbing into Eric's back. As Eric once said himself:

"We are friends, we all sharpen us by correcting us if we are off point, especially not going after the Jesuit Order."

So that's the way it goes. By sharpening ourselves we are sharpening the sword which then will be stabbed into the back of Loyola's monstrous system of loyalty, his mysterious military monolith of blind obedience towards "one's gods", the superiors, respectively, "that tempered and razor-sharp sword" will then be used in the way Greg, Mr. Szymanski, has described two years ago:

"If you cut the head of that snake off at the top (@ 7 min), the rest of the organization is gonna fall."

And in my opinion he's absolutely right about the nature of the top as being the only thing worth putting in the crosshairs to finally initiate a mainstream learning process throughout all ranks and factions of our honorable civilization, poisoned and contaminated by Catholicism and its dried essence, Jesuitism.
A topic about which Josh Reeves ("it's not a pyramid, it's rather a tree") should take a lesson to extend his grasp:
A tree can't be monolithic – the inner structure of the corporate collective is definitely a military one, because those secret blood oaths in secret societies like Freemasonry or the Catholic Church aren't conspiracy folklore, they are as real as they are standard in secret services or the army. Mystery, military, money – the Knights of Jesus, the Jesuit agents of "The Secret Service of God", are first and foremost mystagoges (theologians, preachers, scientists, artists), then soldiers, and only then bankers, who even succeed in transforming especially the central section of financial business, the stock exchanges, into a mystery too.
And the mysticism within the legal system would immediately be the next question.

The gatekeepers in the conspiracist labyrinth, the corrupt disinformation artists, aren't able to do what Nicklas, Eric, Greg and Tom have courageously demonstrated by way of example on November 18, 2009, thus you can smoothly identify them, the (American) Papist traitors, about this particular behavior. But we can. This is our business! Being open-minded, investigating the most relevant themes and connections, learning passionately, becoming more and more coherently, plausibly, and confidently in our statements, while staying correctable.
A combination of an open-minded and unlimited investigative research effort with any kind of fundamentalism or fanaticism, especially a religious one, is a counterproductive partnership from the get-go and absolutely typical for every standpoint that could be characterized as a controlled controversist's attitude.
It's like a wound that's self-infecting and therefore a very bad idea. So, let's cut to the chase!

It may surprise you, Eric, but I don't have that much of a problem with that Big Bang in Bethlehem in which you are believing so wholeheartedly. I also don't have much problems with this Pagan-Christian duality in which you live, not even with your distinction not only between the mythical "Jesus Krishna", created by Constantine (05/14'08 @ 8 min – I'm working on the transcript), and the historical "Jesus of Nazareth" that Josephus speaks of, but also between the false flag "political hell" ("a hell that Romanism preaches as a means for the priest to control you"), so to speak, of the Romish religion and "the real deal" in form of "The Hell of the Scriptures".
Not to mention those many post-/ex-Catholic, Calvinist milestones such as "I am a puppet of Jesus" (sounds like a Jesuit in person) or "my mother is in hell" and so on and so forth. None of these text-based-religion-made specifications is capable of alienating me from you, Sir, because "Christ himself is a powerfully shamanic figure" and many Christians even had direct visible contact to him. Are you interested in what I am believing?
I believe for example that without our adventures at night, when we are sleeping and dreaming and never knowing at this moment that we are sleeping and dreaming, the idea of an individual afterlife in eternity would be that lively, you know, because our dream experiences are mostly significantly more intense, more immediate, more existential, if you will, than our daily life. Enough!

So, there must be something which appears to me much more important than your "Biblical" puritanism in itself, which you preach since your days at the Air Force Base in Germany (1972-77) ... 05/20'08 @ 19 min)

"I tell you my brethren, 'The Lord' is angry at us for taking foreign wifes, for taking wifes outside of our race. He is angry at you, white men, for taking wifes outside of your race. Why do you think he created your race in the first place? For the same reason he created the other races to keep mankind separate. You are violating his divine institution of the creation of the races by race mixing.
And that's what those damnable Jesuits in Hollywood with all their movies and all their commercials on their major corporations shuffle down our throats every day: race mix, race mix, race mix.
And if you don't race mix you are a bigot and you don't deserve to live!
I'll tell you this: the black men that I know, who love 'The Lord', they want nothing to do with the white woman. The two black men, I was stationed with in Germany for three years when I was overseas, they loved 'The Lord', they were southern black men, and they were men of honor. And when the savage blacks on the base wanted to do the () hand shake with them, they refused to do it: they shook hand straight on like a man. And so all my white friends [...] said, hey Eric, we like Chuck and Steve, they are decent men, but these other savage blacks in the army we can't stand them. I said, I understand completely. Chuck and Steve had respect among white men, among the NCOs and the officers on the base. They knew they weren't savage blacks. They worked hard – Chuck was one of the best engine mechanics that they had – but neither one of them would dare, would ever want to take a white woman, ever! [...]

There was another instance on the base, where there was a black woman. She was one of the prettiest women on the base. She was friendly, too. And she just happened to go out with a white guy one night. And three blacks jumped him and beat him half to death and nearly killed him.
And I was sorry that he got beaten up, but you know what? I understand it. He had no business with that pretty black woman – she was for some black man!
Because God has put it in all of our hearts to preserve our own race. And when we step across that line we're asking for trouble. We are asking for rejection from our own race. We are asking for problems, for children that had been born out of that union, and those mulattos can only identify with blacks and therefore, they are going to be pro-black and anti-white. I don't know of a mulatto yet that's pro-white, they are all pro-black. Hastening the destruction of the white race, the white culture and white language here in North America – high white English language."

@ 55 min) "America is being destroyed, is being africanized. Our culture is retrogressing. And one of the key reasons is because that we departed from 'The Word of God', and in 'The Word of God' we learn not to race mix. In 'The Word of God' we learn to keep to our own people. We shall respect and love in compassion and empathy for other peoples, but our first allegiance is to our own.
We must maintain our own white culture if Western civilization is to survive. This the Jesuits are undoing. The Jesuits are the big pushers of race mixing. All their major universities, Georgetown, Fordham, Marquette, all forcefully encouraging the race mixing between the whites and blacks, all the time the most important and influential Jesuits are white – they know what they're doing."

Let's keep that in mind.

Okay, so what is it? What could it be if not the critical Big Bang in Bethlehem, where "the Creator of all things" sent his (only) son, Superman Jesus, to his earthlings? What could be more crucial than that?
Here it comes, finally. Listen, dear birthday boy, what is indeed more important than the virgin "birth" and the three-days "death", is the Christianization of Europe. I didn't hear or read one single word about it, neither from you nor from any of your and Greg Szymanski's friends.
The term "christianization" itself doesn't surface in Vatican Assassins even once! I really think, you basically act as if the book about the Christian pantheon would have been the only one, you know, that was printed back then.
You act as if this spiritual, intellectual and then political liberation movement called Protestant Reformation had exclusively to do with one single book and not with so many about all things that matter.
And this decisive lack of awareness comes with huge ramifications in regard of nearly every social as well as personal subject. You seem to believe there was a God-given second Big Bang in Luther's Wittenberg where this unique revolution "in the minds of men" got started out of thin air, practically, with nothing else than a no longer hidden book, branded as "The Bible" by professionals in making people believe long time ago.

But if the clerics, the brotherhoods of the Roman ecclesiastical empire, haven't conquered Europe with "their" Jesus during centuries prior to the moment of the invention of the letterpress, do you think – in the words of Bill Hughes (@ 38 min) – "all the reformers [would have also] understood who Babylon The Great was", for example?

"Luther started the Reformation 1517 and about 30-35 years after that the Papacy was reeling.
They didn't know what to do because the Reformation was going like a lightning through Europe."

Do you think this "going like a lightning" would have been possible without the Christianization in the centuries before? Where to take all these Bible-believers so quickly?
You know, "The Word of God" hit Germany and especially the German Saxons first with the sword of Rome and the "things that started changing" then are described by high- and low-level Catholics as follows.

"Christianity as well as civilisation became conterminous with the Roman Empire.
To be a Roman was to be a Christian and this idea soon passed into the converse.
To be a Christian was to be a Roman."

James Bryce – barrister, politician, historian, regius professor of civil law and fellow of Trinity and Oriel Colleges, Oxford – in his book "The Holy Roman Empire", in 1864.

"Western culture is, above all else, Roman – and Christian Roman at that. This is so because it has been shaped and defined by Roman Catholicism, ruled by a Roman Emperor, guided by a Roman Pontiff and blessed by Roman rites in a Roman language. Even its enemies have been forced to recognise this. Our laws, our science, our culture, our art, our music, our literature, our scholarship, our primary institutions all derive from this Roman and Christian heritage.
The oldest rite of worship in the Christian Church is the classical, Roman rite, deriving, as it does, from the ancient Jewish Temple worship, perfected under Roman rule. It is theologically unsurpassed. It is a timeless love song to the Creator of all things. In a curious 'trahison des clercs', many today, even amongst the clergy, have forgotten this and so have become disconnected from their spiritual and cultural roots. It is perhaps time to recall and re-capture our traditions and to re-connect with them in a modern setting."

Thanks Tribunus, that's exactly how big "the conspiracy" is and also the main reason why it is that hard to understand, even more as "a conspiracy"! "Western culture is, above all else, Roman – and Christian Roman at that." This makes it so difficult for conspiracy theorists wrapping their heads around "a conspiracy" which is as big as the entire own culture, as big as the entire own "civilization", especially by this term "conspiracy" and its associated vocabulary that isn't supposed to shoulder such mighty nexuses, which then again of course is also the reason why a controlled Conspiracy Mainstream (made possibly through "9/11") isn't dangerous at all for the Jesuit Provincials at the top, "the head of the snake".
And Greg is right again by stating that the Jesuit issue "is probably the most difficult one".
Nevertheless, Terence McKenna, one of the most adventurous minds that I know of, said it loud and clear:

"Culture is not your friend!"

And Catholicism is nothing else than the old pharaohesque power grip of the Ancient Egyptian(/Babylonian) priesthood. And almost everyone, and alumni the most, want to take up a position as high as possible in the bureaucratic hierarchies under the corporative Shepherd's Fold (of the Papal Knights of Jesus), want to be part of "The System" ("of God"). The Roman Reich slipped into the Church like in a coat, ran over Europe and the world in this disguising while creating and establishing all kinds of control systems – that's why state is the continuation of church by other means – and is now going to bring forward its "universal city of God", finally.

There would be a lot more to say and to clarify, really a lot. I am for instance very aware of the fact that we quite likely wouldn't have this phenomenon Phelps, this extraordinary appearance that I love and deeply respect without the backing through Calvinist convictions. I mean, the dauntlessness alone to even think of what you have dared to make a start on, Eric – it's completely amazing in my eyes! So the discussion about these questions appears to me as being extremely complicated and very delicate as well as crucial and highly exciting.
I can't go along with such – let's name it – a "tunnel vision" on one book made solely responsible for Western civilization and culture, because if you as, without question, biggest contributor so far to the anti-blind-obedience project, the non-collectivist, non-conformist, non-catholic (with its 3 meanings) coalition, cannot bring up the right feeling for the spirit of the printing press, how can I expect you would develop a sixth sense for the special power concealed within the Computerweb, you see? I have to find out if this is just a mistake or something else.

I think, Germany started to prosper with many books and the public in general, that came into existence back then for the very first time, becomes now visible and fully accessible for the very first time, and that world wide.
Wishing you some funny days to get away with the new number a little more comfortably ...
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